How Big is Your Egg?
Medium? Large? Or Jumbo? Ever wonder how, in the pre-mega-industrial age of farming, they graded eggs? Well, the Acme Egg Grading Scale is the answer. Friends of mine have one, and, for the past three or so years, I have seriously thought about swiping it. No need. This year, for my birthday, my friend Craig sent me my very own egg grader!!! Best present ever, if you aren’t counting the vintage apple peeler that arrived in the same package. Anyway, fast forward to a hot summer weekend. Some other friends of ours were visiting us upstate. Over cocktails and dinner preparations, they decided to start grading our eggs. Here is the end result. Lovely type treatment…don’t you think? Keep in mind that just because an egg looks large, it may not rate as highly as a smaller egg of denser proportion.
Tuesday 07.19.16 at 9:43 pm
Shiver me timbers, them’s some great iniamrotfon.
Wednesday 07.20.16 at 10:14 am
IMHO you’ve got the right answer!
Sunday 10.23.16 at 8:44 pm
I’ve linked you over at FDL. In the post, I commented, “It is no longer possible to start a software company with a good idea; you will will be sued out of existence.”Over, I suppose, to Richard Stallman, who has been writing and talking about this for decades.Maybe China has the right idea.
Monday 11.14.16 at 4:00 am
It’s much easier to understand when you put it that way!
Wednesday 11.16.16 at 7:45 am
bonjour!je poursuis un traitement de désensibilisation par le biais de vaccination cutanée “stalurgen” depuis presque 1 ans et demie moi et ma fille ; je voudrais savoir s’il existe des effets secondaires causés par ce traitement? Parce que je suis tout le temps fatigué, incapable de faire un effort et j’ai le besoin de vouloir dormir, est ce normal!!!j’ai 47 anstandis ce que ma fille de 10 ans et demie continue d’avoir des etternuements répetitifs malgré le traitement.
Friday 12.30.16 at 2:36 am
I’m not easily impressed. . . but that’s impressing me!
Wednesday 03.22.17 at 5:09 am
Well, if you are desperate for people to donate old clothes too, I will gladly be your charity case. Better yet, have a garage sale. It’s amazing to me the things people would pay money for!